Media Monkeys & Junky Junkies

Episode 16: White=Crazy, Black=Cool



Episode 16: White=Crazy, Black=Cool: Double Whammy! This podcast episode covers two topics. Kristina Dorsett and I do my first podcast on the medium of music. Our selection: The White Stripes! Coming out of Detroit in the late nineties, Jack & Meg White are two of the weirdest fucking people you’ll ever know about, but create some of the best music you’ve ever heard. Following a chat about their music and their documentary, Under Great White Northern Lights, we delve into love for the 2009 blaxploitation film, Black Dynamite! When his brother is murdered in a bad drug deal, Black Dynamite teams up with the C.I.A. and some of the baddest mamajamas from the streets to take down the drug cartel and those really responsible for his brother’s death. Both are super awesome with music to die for! Join us, won’t you?