Five Hard Film Show

//Show 12// WW2 Part 2



So here it is - The Great One. The Great War that is. Well, its sequel anyway, The Great War part 2. The war after the war to end all wars. And now we have the podcast to end all podcasts - Part 2. Not that we would ever make light of the great tragedy and horror that was World War Two - we'll leave it up to Quentin Tarantino to lighten things up - but we will delve deep into the epic cinematic offerings based upon the bloodiest conflict of recorded history, including Quentins' delicious revisionist tale. We have tales of heroism, survival, determination, triumph of the human spirit and, yes, also a look at the ultimate evil that could have bought such a catastrophic loss of life to this world, and in amongst it all the humanity within the conflict, with bands of brothers, love found and love lost, and some of the greatest sacrifices one could make. Get ready. It's a big one. Some might even say Great. Now bring me my scalps! ----- If you want to get in touch with us do so at