Cyril & Stig - I Otakt Med Samtiden

#3 "The trial against Julian Assange" with Nils Melzer



Julian Assange is a controversial name that divides the public in either pro or against him as a person. But what is the real story behind it all? In this episode (in english, after a brief introduction in Swedish) Cyril and Stig meets with Nilz Melzer who after intense studying of the case has written a book called The Trial Against Julian Assange (in swedish Fallet Juian Assange), and Nils Melzer is not just anyone ... Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, started his investigation into how the US and UK governments were working together to ensure a conviction. His findings are explosive, revealing that Assange has faced grave and systematic due process violations, judicial bias, collusion and manipulated evidence. He has been the victim of constant surveillance, defamation and threats. Melzer also gathered together consolidated medical evidence that proves that Assange has suffered prolonged psychological torture. Stig Larsson is a famous Swedish writer, poet and play writer translated into 26 lan