Podtoid: Destructoid's Video Game Podcast

Podtoid 104: Billy Mays here



If that header image offends you, this week's episode of Podtoid isn't going to be much more enjoyable for you. This week, the entire cast minus Samit talked about writing in videogames, Twitter etiquette, and the unusual allure of Suda 51. We also made fun of dead people. You can listen to it here, as usual, or subscribe to us on iTunes. Highlights include: - Jim-as-Samit - I've actually sort of forgotten what we talked about apart from the basic news stories - Something about integrating writers into the production process earlier - Then a lot of jokes about Billy Mays - BILLY MAYS HERE This week's most interesting question came from Kpax, if only because it allowed us to do something we never, ever, ever do: talk about Half-Life 2.