Commonwealth Podcast For Holistic Herbalism

Herbs & the Holidays: Handling Food Allergies & Sensitivities



Holiday foods are delightful & delicious, but what if you’re allergic to some of the ingredients? Never fear! In this episode we’ll share some of our best tips & tricks for when gluten, dairy, or other allergens are a no-no. Whether making a simple substitution, or trying out something entirely new, we’ve got you covered. We even have some strategies for if you accidentally get exposed – or even if it was accidentally-on-purpose!PLUS: Listen in to get a coupon code for 25% off ANY of our online courses, good from now until December 21st!Herbs discussed include calamus, ginger, chamomile, yellow dock, & blackberry.Mentioned in this podcast:Our Recipes – Here you’ll find Katja’s taste-tested recipes for everything from ginger-chamomile cookies to paleo pumpkin muffins to herb-powered cranberry sauce (it's in the Hawthorn post).Gut-Heal TeaEnzymedica Digest Spectrum – These are the enzyme capsules Ryn has found helpful when indulging in his allergens (just every once in a while).What To Do When