Commonwealth Podcast For Holistic Herbalism

Herbs for First Aid & Disaster Response



There are so many fantastic herbs for first aid purposes, it’s hard to name them all! But if we focus our thoughts specifically on a post-disaster situation, this helps us narrow it down. Even better, think about the most likely emergency situations that might arise where you live, and you can keep your kit nice and targeted, your go-bag fully stocked. In this episode, Katja & Ryn share their must-have herbs for first aid both in the context of self-care and personal preparedness, but also in that of a large-scale emergency.Prepping isn’t just for preppers! Getting familiar with first aid herbs and how to prepare them effectively, bundle them neatly, and work with them quickly under pressure is a skill that could save lives. Start planning today!Our listener question this week: Are there any guidelines for knowing when an herb might have a drug interaction? (Listen in for the answer!)Herbs discussed include pine, blackberry, yellow dock, goldenseal, Oregon grape, barberry, goldthread, rose, witch hazel, c