William & Mary Law Podcast

Exhibit 10: Smart Cities & Civil Rights, Part II



Continuing our discussion of smart city technology and civil rights, CLCT Research Fellows Taylor Lain (host), Katherine Sorrell, and Alex Pratt explore the implications of specific smart city technology, such as facial recognition, predictive policing, and risk-assessment tools, and how these tools may affect minority or disadvantaged populations. While it is clear that there are major benefits in law enforcement using this technology, the team also discusses common concerns about the use and misuse of data gathered for such purposes. They then examine how one group in particular, immigrant communities, may be impacted by facial recognition technology. For resources and additional information on topics covered in this episode, click here for a PDF: https://law.wm.edu/academics/intellectuallife/researchcenters/clct/exhibit-ai/additional-resources/smart-cities---exhibit-10-additional-resources.pdf The views and opinions expressed in this interview are the personal views of the speakers, and do not represent t