William & Mary Law Podcast

Exhibit 9: Smart Cities and Civil Rights, Part I



In this episode, CLCT Research Fellows Taylor Lain (host), Katherine Sorrell, and Alex Pratt explore the implications of smart city technology for members of the intellectual and developmentally disabled (“I/DD”) community. As the world’s largest minority group, the I/DD community has the unique characteristic of being intersectional—many members of the community are also members of other minority groups. Tracing the history of legal protection for this community, real visibility in the law is only as recent as 30 years ago, with the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990). Our Fellows note that smart city technologists and engineers have the opportunity to account for the difficulties faced by this group before and during the design process, rather than as an afterthought. For resources and additional information found in this episode, click here for a PDF: https://law.wm.edu/academics/intellectuallife/researchcenters/clct/exhibit-ai/additional-resources/exhibit-ai---exhibit-9---additional-reso