Dj Noël - Latest Mix Sessions

winter warmer minimix - nov 12



It’s been a long time / I shouldn’t have left you / without a dope beat to step to...I can’t believe it’s two and a half years since my last post. I have over 20 playlists of tunes ready to be mixed, but the weight of the task led to a sort of paralysis... I get a bunch of tunes ready but never get the time to blend them. Then more tunes come along, or ones I have chosen wear out a little, so the tracklist loses its shine... then three weeks pass and it seems even more like yesterday’s news.So, fast-forward to today and I find myself sorting music for a party. Time to clear this DJ constipation with eight awesome tracks mixed live, perfect for slamming on if you’re getting ready to go out over the festive season. First up, The blissful Benediction. This summer anthem’s been rolling around my head non-stop for the past month. I wake up and go to sleep with ‘keep on riding on and on’ as my soundtrack. Frank B gives us a phat old skool re-take of the classic ‘Chain Of Fools’ - I love the fact he cut out the ch