Dj Noël - Latest Mix Sessions

enchanted garden party - Noël’s 40th



(Posted November 2013)Here’s a little early xmas present for you. I turned 40 this year and in the summer we partied like it was my 21st. We hosted a daytime/night time enchanted woodland-themed party. Food and face painting in the daytime for those with kids, fireworks and raving into the night for those without. See the original invite here.Blessed with awesome weather, we were in the garden as well as indoors. The last of the revelers left around 9am. The place looked like a bomb site the following day and, as you can imagine, we weren’t very popular with the neighbours afterwards. Probably one Matt and my best parties, it was the perfect way to celebrate kicking 40. And we raised £2000 for Shelter, so a massive thank you to everyone who donated.Coop DJ’d in the garden after dark, leading up to the fireworks, then Niall picked up the reigns indoors. I played for a couple of hours at midnight before Matt took up through til dawn. I recorded my set, and that’s what you’ll find here. Being about 9 hours into