

So it's come to this. Jamie and Cody are reaching the end of their trek through the life of Burt Gummer, and have seen the mustache man's most terrifying foe yet: IP cash-ins. On its penultimate episode, You Can't Kill The Gummer looks at the two movies that brought back the graboids for a new generation, for better or worse, 2015's Tremors 5: Bloodlines and 2018's Tremors: A Cold Day In Hell. The first entries in the franchise without the involvement of Stampede Entertainment, are these Jamie Kennedy-centric fahter-and-son survivalist bonding adventures worthy of the legacy of worm-explodin' that came before them? No. DOWNLOAD THIS LINK SO YOU, TOO, MAY PONDER THE ENDLESS MYSTERY OF WHY BURT CHANGED HIS HAT THAT ONE TIME  Find us on Facebook: Twitter: iTunes: Stitcher: