Personal Branding Podcast

What’s in a Brand Name?



“The investment you make into a brand, makes its name worth it” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Did you know that the famous brand name ‘Google’ was actually a misspelt word ‘Googol”? Now, let’s get started. It sounds good in the ear to have sweet brand names that rhymes and charms but that alone will not make your brand jive. Some few thoughts to debunk; in choosing brand names, some experts suggest having a name that can be pronounced easily, really? Not so much of that, it does some good anyway, but the point is if your brand name isn’t jaw-breaking but your brand doesn’t deliver on its promise you will fail. Let’s throw in some few examples, illustrate the point that the investments made into brands go beyond its name. Having a fairly easy relatable brand name for your products and services is great but most importantly focus on delivering on your brand promise. That will cause the name to rise above the crowd. Who would have thought that an automobile brand like ‘Mitsubishi’ can make it at the marketplace.