Personal Branding Podcast

Getting Feedback for your Brand



#16 of 31 “Feedback are brands free assessment tool” – Bernard Kelvin Clive The fastest way to look back in retrospect and assess your brand’s performance is to get feedback from your clients. Feedbacks are a great way to evaluate your brand. The truth bitterly spoken is this, not all feedbacks will be encouraging and empowering, some will come as a shock to rebuke and correct you. Learn to take all in good faith. It’s what you do with those feedbacks that matter. Some brands have successfully used feedback from their customers to launch a new line of products, improve existing once and made the whole brand experience a wonderful one. It’s a continuous cycle that must be kept running. For startup brands, feedback is a great way to help you launch your products and services successfully. Here are few ways to gather customer feedbacks: Ask for feedback, in your store, office, workplace, encourage clients to give you feedbacks Provide means of feedback, eg. Online, have a feedback form on your site. Use emails,