Personal Branding Podcast

4 Ways to Differentiate Your Brand



How do you stand out from the masses? “Brands that stand out from the competition are purposefully disruptive or different”  –  Bernard Kelvin Clive To stand out from the masses with your brand be disruptive, different, or you die. Over the years I realized that startup brands that are doing exceptionally well had in a way mastered what I call the D.I.C.E. strategy in branding. They are Different Innovative Creative Excellent They D.I.C.E on purpose; doing things differently from their competitors, with distinctiveness, innovation, and creativity with a hallmark of excellence. These are the things that propel brands to great heights of visibility and prominence. To put all this together in a proper perspective I selected 7 Startup Brands Doing Things differently that you can study and be inspired by their works. Here are some Ghanaian owned Startup Brand’s that differentiate their products and services from the masses, using creative and innovative ways, in their various markets. My Pick for this week: