Personal Branding Podcast

How to Make People Trust You and Your Brand



“Trust is the new currency for riches” – Bernard Kelvin Clive In this episode I share with you little ways you can build trust. 21 Reasons to Make People Trust You Build your expertise Always give of your best Talk less do more Payback borrowed money quickly Return borrowed items in better shape Be confident in your expertise Don’t exaggerate, say it as it is Be time conscious – remember ‘time is money’ Respect the time of others – if you asked for 5 minutes, make it 5 minutes Don’t be late to meetings and appointments Learn to meet deadlines Share your successes and failures as well Learn to empathize and sympathize with others Listen and be tolerant Don’t judge what you don’t understand Don’t cheat others Learn to see the best in others Be patient with people, they have their own struggles When you realize you can’t deliver as promised, quickly let it be known If you can’t make it to a scheduled meeting/event, make it known as soon as possible Stick to your values – stay principled.   Reco