Personal Branding Podcast

Excuse your Excuses



“Excuse your Excuses” ― Bernard Kelvin Clive Are you Busy? I’m Busy! …waiting for the perfect time? Well, now could be that time… Quite often, we postpone doing what needs to be done now to our ideal time, hoping things get better with time… We go like…”I will do this when… -I start the job, – I get a new job – I get a raise – I start dating – I get a new car – I marry – I give birth – the kids grow – I’m on leave – I’m less busy – I recover from this illness – I travel – I finish exams – I graduate – I start my ministry – I start my company – I become rich …when when when… the reasons and excuses keep lingering… Do we really want to do the things we should be doing? Yes, there’s the need for proper timing, but what do we do with what we have now? Time is of the essence! Choose what you need to do now and begin. Take time to do the things