Personal Branding Podcast

8 Clever Ways to Market Your New E-commerce Website



8 Clever Ways to Market Your New E-commerce Website  Marketing an ecommerce website is not an easy task. You need to get your approach right if you want to reach more customers and generate a lot of revenue. Here are 8 clever ecommerce marketing strategies that you need to put into action today. 1- Take The Help of Inbound Marketing Marketing can be of two types – “push marketing” and “pull marketing”. Under push marketing, you push the customers towards your store even if they aren’t interested. For example, an ad in a newspaper is an example of push marketing. Under pull marketing, you pull the customers towards your store when they are highly interested. For example, a visitor visiting your site using organic search is an example of pull marketing. Inbound marketing consists of all such strategies that come under pull marketing. These strategies help to generate visits that are highly relevant and have greater chances of converting into a sale. Here are some highly useful techniques of inbound market