Personal Branding Podcast

7 Ways to be a Pleasing Personal Brand



The Art of Being a like-able Brand 1. Know yourself: Yes, it all begins with you. Personal branding is about knowing who you are and presenting your best self to meet the needs of others. You need to really know who you are – your strengths and weaknesses. What makes your brand unique. What makes you tick, your likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. If you take the time to understudy yourself, it better prepares you to handle your relationships, clients, fans, and followers.You will not be taken aback by many things that your audience will reveal about you. It helps you to put your best self forward – your strengths over weakness. That’s the best way you can stand out from the pile! “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson 2. Stand for something: Share your values! Be truthful! Be open and upfront with your values right from the beginning. Let your audience, fans, followers, clients know what your values are a