Personal Branding Podcast

10 Sins Brands Commit in Digital Marketing



10 Sins Brands Commit in Digital Marketing 1.    Not establishing a strong brand presence online and offline. No clear brand identity) 2.    Buying generic data (email addresses, contact numbers) for broadcasting 3.    Not having a specific goal of being online, no action plan. 4.    Using the same social media strategy for every platform 5.    Not engaging with the audience online 6.    Failing to optimize pages and websites (outdated website information) 7.    Failing to use digital automation properly. 8.    Depending too much on manual approach and not relying on data, analytics 9.    Failing to get feedback and implementing feedbacks 10.    No being accessible via local search. Location search, Google Maps, etc. Resources: CEO Branding Goals Are Dead! Branding Beyond Visuals Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding