Affiliate Buzz #349 – Ricky Shetty: Secret to Receiving $30,000 in FREE Products and Building a Lifestyle Business Around Your Family



In this edition of the Affiliate Buzz, host and Instructor of the Affiliate Marketers BootCamp, James Martell, is joined by Ricky Shetty, Amazon bestselling author and owner of James and Arlene begin this edition by talking about their attendance at the ShareASale Think Tank 2014, which they have previously discussed. It will be the 9th annual ThinkTank and while Arlene has been able to attend most meetings, James has been able to attend all of them. There is a lot on the agenda and it is difficult to decide what sessions to attend. Whichever sessions Arlene sits in, she is likely to take copious notes. James is planning to go to the advanced monetization sessions, which he always enjoys. Included in this will be website reviews and a bonus / incentive sessions. James and Arlene are also planning to take the time to have a little breakation. They plan to go to Memphis and visit Graceland, the former home of Elvis Presley. This is the most visited private home in America with 50,000 visito