Words You Never Heard

Are You Ready to Gobble Till You Wobble?



Are you ready to gobble till you wobble?  Americans alone feast on 535 million pounds of turkey on thanksgiving!  The word  ‘turkey’ may  originate  from the fact that turkeys make a turk, turk, turk, sound when they’re it is scared. The skin that hangs off the turkey’s neck is called a Wattle!  Turkeys have great hearing and have a wide field of vision, which makes sneaking up on them difficult.  But, when you do, they quickly become bumsquabbled!   Some of us crave certain food for the Thanksgiving meal. Personally, I look forward to the cranberries or bounceberries as they’re sometimes called! (You know they’re ripe if they bounce when you drop them on the floor!) What’s a word for craving a certain food to the point of madness? AHP-suh-MAY-nee-ak) opsomaniac!