Passport Podcast

Meet the host - Behind the scenes



A week ago I was passing by the Caffe Triest in San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood when I ran into my friend Franny Renoir. You may recall Fanny's insightful interview from Episode 6: The Road to Enlightenment.  Fanny coaxed me to sit with her for a few minutes in the sun and then proceeded to turn my camera and began peppering me with questions about the Passport Podcast as well as m views on life in San Francisco. Believe it or not, I'm usually more accustomed to asking the questions versus answering them. But in that moment, I chose to let my guard down a little to be fair to Fanny, my other interview guests, the podcast audience and even myself. What you get with this brief interview is me share ing some insight into the philosophy and purpose behind the podcast. Additionally, I share some thoughts and observations on life in San Francisco while living in the colorful and lively North Beach neighborhood. Have you ever started out down a path towards a goal or an idea, without a real clear understand