Muay Thai Guy Podcast

MTG 098: Fight Hypnosis and The Unconscious Mind with Joshua Manuel



Muay Thai Guy Podcast - Episode 98As a fighter and competitive athlete, the power of the mind can NOT be overlooked.We all know the saying "Fighting is 90% mental and 10% physical", but how often do we take the time to actually train our minds? If the mental side is such a crucial aspect to your success as a fighter, why aren't you having mental training sessions where you optimize your thought process, memory, focus and emotion?Fighters are becoming aware of how important it is to train the mind, and that's where guys like Joshua Manuel come into play. Joshua is a fight hypnotist who specializes in helping fighters train their unconscious mind to eliminate doubt/anxiety and replace it with confidence/focus. In our interview we cover a whole range of topics including:What initially drew him into wanting to learn more about hypnosis.What type of benefits are expected after being hypnotized.How he deals with skeptics and people who are hesitant to believe in this type of work.Why he likes to work with competiti