Adaptive Path Podcast

UX Week 2007 | Designing With Your Users: Generative Tools for Collective Creativity



There has been significant interest lately from the business community in the value of design research and design thinking. This is particularly true when it comes to the very early front-end of the design process. Generative Tools help create a shared design language that designers, researchers and other stakeholders can use to visually communicate with each other. The design language is Generative in the sense that with it, people can express an infinite number of ideas (e.g., dreams, fears, insights, opportunities) through a limited set of stimulus items. In this session, you will: * Obtain a map of the design research landscape as it has emerged over the last 20 years. * Discover the newest developments in the research industry, with an emphasis on generative design research, characterized by design-led research from a participatory mindset. * Discover the many ways in which Generative Tools can be used to inform and improve the design process. About Liz Sanders Liz is the President of Ma