Nathan Rabin's Happy Cast

#14: The Raccoon Wears People Clothes



This week on Nathan Rabin's Happy Cast, we go it alone to sample from the vast buffet of superhero movies through the ages! First, we jabber about the TV season finale of movies, Marvels Avengers: Infinity War; then, we jam out to the slick 70s musical stylings and surprising emotional weight of intergalactic hangout movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2; then, you sadists make us sit through the execrable half-hearted comedy of Richard Lester's Superman III.  Not only that, we have a hard talk about the Rachel Dolezal controversy in the context of Netflix's The Rachel Divide, Nathan does a dramatic reading of LFO's "Summer Girls," and more! 4:33 - Scalding Hot Takes: Avengers: Infinity War 25:50 - Lukewarm Takes: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 41:33 - Control Nathan and Clint: Superman III 59:01 - The Rachel Divide 1:14:23 - A Dramatic Reading of LFO's "Summer Girls" 1:19:49 - Happy Places Follow us on Twitter (Nathan: @nathanrabin, Clint: @alcohollywood)! Pledge to our Patreon, and subscribe to us on iTunes