Nathan Rabin's Happy Cast

#26: Rolling on Mandy, Smoking Silver Shamrock (with Scott Weinberg)



Happy Halloween, ghouls and goblins! For our spook-tacular horror-themed episode of Happy Cast, we bring on 80s horror movie maverick Scott Weinberg (80s All Over) to take some evil, dark acid and wield overly-long chainsaws as we discuss the psychedelic Nic Cage slaughterfest Mandy! Also, we bow to the whims of our Patrons and talk about the one-off anthology horror film Halloween III - Season of the Witch, and chat a bit about which horror remakes/reboots work, and when they work, and why! Strap on one of three possible Halloween masks available for purchase, sing the Silver Shamrock theme song, and give us a listen. 14:35 - Scalding Hot Takes: Mandy 47:09 - Control Nathan and Clint: Halloween III - Season of the Witch 1:08:32 - Horror Remakes, Sequels and Reboots 1:29:54 - Podcast Recommendations (The Capital Steps Podcast, Gladiator, Friendly Fire) 1:35:09 - Mailbag 1:38:30 - Happy Places Follow us on Twitter (Nathan: @nathanrabin, Clint: @alcohollywood)! Pledge to our Patreon, and subscribe to us on iTun