Nathan Rabin's Happy Cast

#28: It's a Croquet Christmas! (with Alonso Duralde)



Ho-ho-ho, listeners! We’re celebrating Christmas in mid-November over on Nathan Rabin’s Happy Cast, as we get a sneak peek at the Netflix’s The Christmas Chronicles, starring Kurt Russell as a Santa Who Fucks. Friend of the show and Christmas film extraordinaire Alonso Duralde (The Wrap, Linoleum Knife) climbs down our chimney to talk about Minion-y murder elves, pernicious Chicago racism, and all that wonderful yuletide stuff! Along with that, we take a look at Santa’s Summer House, the micro-budget masterpiece from the mind of David “A Talking Cat!?!” DeCoteau, which dares to cast a family holiday movie with former 80s action stars (Gary Daniels, Cynthia Rothrock, et al.) and do absolutely nothing with that premise. We also opine on the passing of Stan Lee, talk about our Christmas wishes, and more, so take a listen, true believers! 6:08 - Scalding Hot Takes: The Christmas Chronicles 34:22 - Control Nathan and Clint: Santa’s Summer House 1:03:21 - R.I.P. Stan Lee 1:20:59 - Podcast Recommendations (With Spec