Absolute Trust Talk

075: Serious Illness or Injury: The Resources We Need to Manage it All



Is anyone ever really prepared to deal with a severe illness or injury? Most people find themselves unprepared when thrust into the patient or caregiver role, understandably so. Roberta Carson knows first-hand just how overwhelming it can be to make the immediate transition. Her experience caring for her teenage son, Zachary, during his 27-month battle with terminal brain cancer, inspired her to start Zaggo, a nonprofit organization. She created the ZaggoCare System to provide patients and family caregivers with the information and tools needed to better manage a care journey in critical illness and injury. In this episode, Kirsten sits down with Roberta to unpack the strenuous care journey for a loved one battling terminal brain cancer. Roberta admits she was unprepared and a bit unorganized in the first weeks following her son’s diagnosis. However, she quickly realized that everything her son experienced, from treatments to side effects to doctor’s visits, must tediously be documented. Roberta and her husba