Bootcamp Blueprint: How Personal Trainers Can Grow Their Bootcamp!

Ep:104 Training the Bigger Clients with Vanessa Warren



Welcome to Fitness Education Online Podcast!In this episode of the Fitness Education Online Podcast, Jono Petrohilos interviews Vanessa Warren about "Training the Bigger Clients".Vanessa Warren (TWC Wellness Consultant) is a leading Health, Wellness and Activity specialist. She is the premiere Bariatric Exercise Specialist in Australasia currently located in New Zealand, and has spent the past 13 years working exclusively with hundreds of people who have had bariatric weight loss surgery. She has combined her vast experience and knowledge of 30 years working in the health and fitness industry, and has created the TWC Bariatric Programmes covering all stages of the weight loss journey from the pre-surgery phase through to 12 months plus post-surgery. Vanessa has also created the 'Training the Bigger Client - From Obesity through to Bariatrics' for Fitness Professionals available through Fitness Education Online ( Vanessa:Websitehttps://the