Bootcamp Blueprint: How Personal Trainers Can Grow Their Bootcamp!

Part 2: Online Summit Podcast Series - with John Polley



Welcome to Fitness Education Online Podcast!In this episode of the Fitness Education Online Podcast, Travis Mattern interviews John Polley about "Online Summit Podcast Series".John Polley (JP) has several roles as a movement professional. Firstly, as owner of Be Free Movement Lifestyle Wellness in Perth, Australia, he sees clients requiring therapy and conditioning to overcome setbacks from over use, surgery, injury or illness, as well as professional athletes requiring that little extra at the top end to make a difference in their sport.Secondly, as an educator, JP is a specialist in integrated myofascial movement; one of a handful in Australia and New Zealand. Taking account of connective tissues in addition to the muscles means a more complete understanding of the human body and the way it is designed to move, meaning JP’s knowledge is sought after at major conferences across the region. He has presented every year since 2011 at the main events held in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland. In ad