Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

What's scarier on Halloween than kids going to your house?



LIVE TODAY! @ 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! Redistricting is upon us and the first draft maps were released for public comment by our "Independent" Redistricting Committee. It turns out one of the members who has been producing multiple maps for the committee was also the political consultant for two Commissioners up for re-election, Joe Berney and Heather Buch. Bi-mart is closing pharmacies due to Oregon's taxes and now a survey of accountants shows that more than 85% have individual clients considering leaving Oregon due to the tax burden and 80% reported having a business client looking to leave the state. OHSU is predicting herd immunity in December counting natural immunity making up 24%, why is natural immunity ignored for meeting vaccine mandates? Meanwhile I had to make a public records request to my own County to get the minority percentage of those that did not comply with the mandate and were either terminated or applied for an exception. Our Progressive majority followed the orders of