Comic Lab

20 Comics Commandments



Today's show is brought to you by Wacom — makers of the powerful, professional, portable Wacom One!  Help us celebrate our 200th show at ! We're celebrating 200 episodes of ComicLab with a special king-sized episode in which we assemble a list of our best advice — and discuss how to best implement them.  If you want the commemorative magnet with all 20 tips, head over to ComicLabCashGrab.comThe 20 Comics CommandmentsMake. A. Good. Comic. Nothing else we talk about will be very effective until you do.Own and control your work.Ideas aren't special. The execution of ideas is special.You can't get worse at something you do every day.Good writing saves bad art. Rarely does that work in reverse.You can't drive toward your style, you can only see in the rearview mirror.Lettering: Nobody will read your comic...if they can’t read your comic. And for goodness' sake, learn the Crossbar-I rule.Time is the best editor. So edit...wait...edit...wait.If you’re not enjoying the comic, they’re not enjoying