Loud Murmurs

S2 E24 Holiday Special: byeee 2019



Loud Murmurs has had a very! eventful! year! We interviewed some amazing guests, did a really awesome episode (if we may say so ourselves) about “One Child Nation” (nominated for an Oscars, go Nanfu & Lynn!!), got on the radar of censors cuz we blew up yay, started a whack-a-mole game with Chinese podcasting platforms and eventually ran out of f*cks to give so we packed all of our shit together in a neat little backpack and carried it with us to a cool new website HERE. We got a lot of support and love from y’all and used the $$ you guys sent to pay for a great editor. As we speak, we’re already planning cool new episodes for y’all to listen to next year! In the meantime, here’s a special episode where Juan (not easy), Ina, Diaodiao (aka laoyang) and Afra sat down and raised a glass (or two, or three) to the year that is almost over. We answered some listener questions, told our origin story, listed our fav episodes from this past year, and recommended some of the music/videos/movies that are giving us LY