Optimize Paleo By Paleovalley

EP270: Transforming Your Menstrual Cycle Into a Superpower with Dr. Stephanie Estima



Many women today experience their menstrual cycle as a burden, rather than a superpower.  (I know because that used to be me.) But the truth is, when we understand our cycle and the natural rhythm and hormonal shifts it creates, we can leverage those changes to accomplish some pretty amazing feats.  For example, there is a GREAT time of the month to eat more protein and build muscle.  There’s also an ideal time to be social and work for tips.  And there is a surprisingly perfect time to reflect and reevaluate.  When you don’t understand your cycle, these changes can seem overwhelming and unpredictable, but when you do, you can feel empowered and effective.   So if you’re ready to turn your cycle into a superpower check out this week’s podcast with the brilliant and beautiful, Dr. Stephanie Estima. Her knowledge is truly transformative.  Here are some of the fascinating tips we cover... Her favorite protein for gaining muscle mass 2 simple steps for building muscle  Why insulin is important for women The best