Lit To Lens

46. Howl



In Episode 3 of Season 9: The Beat Generation, the guys discuss the most famous of all the Beat poems: "Howl" The book was written by Allen Ginsberg, published in 1956, and was adapted for the screen in 2010. The film was written and directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, and stars James Franco, David Strathairn, Jon Hamm, Mary-Louise Parker and Jeff Daniels. Passions run high in this episode where we learn what an anaphora is, Erik gets heated, and we discuss whether or not the prosecutor (David Stratharin) is the dumbest character in all of film history. Listen to the episode for yourself and let us know which you enjoyed more, the novel or the movie. We want to find more fine listeners like yourself, but we can't do it without your help. All you have to do is listen, rate, & review! Find us elsewhere on the internet for more content --> Twitter: @littolens Instagram: @littolens Blog: Email: