Feng Shui & Livsstilspodden

What to do when life is too much



We all have time periods when life is very hectic or times when we feel everything is a big chaos. It feels like there is nothing to do about it when we are in the middle of the chaos. I feel you, I have been there and I have some great tips for you today.  If you haven’t seen my new website and my new upcoming membership The Simplicity membership and my photography art prints I definitely suggest you to check that out. The photography art prints are available in 4 different sizes and are printed on a beautiful high quality aquarelle paper.    The membership is for you who would really dive into a simplified life without any clutter in your home and includes the 3 pillars simplicity (or declutter coaching most exact), feng shui and holistic mindset. So, we’re going to have decluttering challanges, masterclasses about simplicity, feng shui and holistic mindset and also monthly q & a:s. So, this is really great, because you get both coaching and new skills in this membership.  The Simplicity lifestyle m