Citr -- Arts Report

An Episode of Theatre (not Theater)



Today we started with a shout-out, of course. Shout-out to the Capture Photo Fest because their submissions are open until October 15th! Definitely apply if you are a lens based visual artist (link will be below). After our shout-out, we had Serra's interview with Anjalica, Chantal and Sarvin about their Fringe play, Wings over Water which has already opened! This interview was followed by three reviews. Lua's review of So Damn Proud (Holy Crow Arts) and Serra's reviews of Amphitruo (United Players of Vancouver) and A Coveted Wife of East Van (Fringe 2021). Links: Capture Photo Fest - - Interview with Anjalica, Chantal and Sarvin 03:24Review of So Damn Proud 22:33Review of Amphitruo 35:04Review of A Coveted Wife of East Van 45:12