Words You Never Heard

The Dog Ate My Homework!



    Students come up with some pretty creative excuses for turning in their homework late.  One student explained to his teacher that they wanted to wait until they were older and therefore wiser, so they would be able to do a better job.  Another explained that he was aware that teachers are overworked and underpaid, and having to grade more assignments just added to the problem.  I guess he felt he was helping out.  What’s a word for telling artful lies in a convincing way?  Mendaciloquence.    Of course, there are the usual excuses like “the dog ate my homework” or “my printer wouldn’t work”, but one of the more creative explanations given to a teacher was that "the police cut power to the neighborhood to carry out a drug bust, so I couldn’t use my computer."  What’s a word for a comical fib?  A  skiddledinger!