Words You Never Heard

Television Just Turned 75 Years Old!



  Television in America is turning 75 this year. Visitors to the World’s Fair in New York in 1939 were amazed to see moving pictures and hear sound coming from a small black-and-white screen built into a large wooden box! And then they were stunned to learn this technological marvel could soon be in their own living rooms!   The invention of television named after Latin and Greek words meaning “far-sight” dates even further back.  Patented in Germany in 1884, TV sets were sold commercially in several countries beginning in 1928.  The German word for TV is  Fernsehen. America watches more television than any other country in the world followed by Poland. Zenith introduced the “Lazy Bones” remote control in 1951, giving birth to generations of couch potatoes.  In Britain, another word for the television remote is the smibbly bibbly!