Words You Never Heard

Does Birth Order Really Matter?



How important is the order in which you were born?  According to a new book by Dr. Kevin Lehman, birth order determines the role siblings play in their families and affects how we feel about ourselves and relate to others.   Dr. Lehman’s research suggests that firstborns are typically more assertive and dominant, often going on to fill a position of high authority or achievement.   Middle children tend to have excellent negotiating and people skills.  You will find that many nurses, firefighters, and law enforcement professionals are middle children.  What’s a word for the second born?  Secundogeniture.   Last born children seem to enjoy attention and being in the limelight.  These babies are attracted to more artistic endeavors.  They are also successful in journalism, advertising and sales.  What’s another word for a person who is the life of the party?  Tummler!