Words You Never Heard

Something's Fishy on the Golf



Something’s Fishy on the Golf Course Recently, during the PGA Tour's Valspar Championship in Palm Harbor, Florida, an osprey swooped down and grabbed a fish out of a water hazard and began to fly away.  But as they say in golf, the bird foozled and dropped the fish on the grass in the middle of the course. TV cameras captured the moment when a fan ran out onto the green, grabbed the fish and returned it to the water. The osprey is the only hawk species in North America with an almost exclusive diet of live fish.  The osprey has  nostrils that can be closed, which allows it to dive 3 feet down into the water to capture its prey. It also has an outer toe that can be angled backwards to better grasp fish. Whats a word for having toes that point both forward and backward?  Zygodactyl. Coincidentally some of the first golf balls were made of leather pouches packed tightly with feathers.