Words You Never Heard

Did You Hear About The Camel in Petsmart?



  PetSmart has a policy that allows you to bring your pets into their stores.  However, employees and customers at a PetSmart in Muskegon, Michigan were gobsmacked when someone brought in their 1400  pound camel.  The camel, named Jeffrey was on a bit of a field trip from the Lewis Farms and Petting Zoo with his owner Mr. Lewis.  Mr. Lewis explained he was just trying to get Jeffery used to riding in his trailer. Camels are very social animals and Jeffery was no exception and soon the customers and workers at PetSmart were all gathered around to greet him.  A camel with one hump is called a dromedary and a two-humped camel is called a Bactrian!    The word camel in Arabic literally means beauty.  Really?  Have you ever seen a camel up close?  A dragoman is a name for an Arabic interpreter who will tell you there are over 160 words in Arabic for a camel.