Words You Never Heard

Marriage Lets You Annoy That One Special Person For Life!



  Everyone thinks that June is the most popular month for weddings, but on average more weddings occur during the month of October, followed by September.  The longest-married couple on record was Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher. They were married for 86 years, 9 months, and 16 days.  The word Bride is derived from a Proto-Germanic word meaning to cook or brew, as this was the traditional role of the wife in earlier times. The most expensive wedding dress on record cost a whopping $12.2 million dollars and featured 150 carats worth of diamonds.  What’s a name for a showy person?  A flapadosha!  Today’s average engagement ring costs a little more than $3500 with the most expensive on the record being $8.8 Million, given to Elizabeth Taylor of course. But, money doesn’t always guarantee a happy marriage.  What’s another word for an unhappy marriage?  Cagamosis!