Words You Never Heard

Did you know sneezes sound different in other countries?



  Did you know sneezes sound different in other countries? While people in English-speaking countries tend to say “achoo”, French-speaking countries add an “m” to create an atchoum!  A sneeze in Germany sounds like hatschi and in Japan you’re more likely to hear hakshun! Here are some sneezing facts not everyone “Nose”: Many people believe that your heart stops when you sneeze, but it doesn’t.  However, it may skip a beat or two. Sneezing in your sleep is rare because the nerves that trigger sneezing are also asleep.  It is true that bright sunlight can make some people sneeze.  The medical term for sneezing is sternutation. Some people say gesundheit or God bless you after someone sneezes.  Gesundheit originated in Germany and means “health”, but God bless you originated during the bubonic plague when sneezing was considered an early sign that you might have the disease.