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What is the top Halloween Candy In the World?



  Halloween is almost here and it’s time to get ready for trick or treaters.  I say, any holiday that condones eating candy is alright with me.  One of my favorite Halloween treats is Candy Corn.  According to Mental Floss Magazine, Candy Corn was invented by George Renninger, an employee of the Wunderle Candy Company in 1888. The Goelitz Candy Company also began producing candy corn marketing it under the name of “Chicken Feed”.  Reeses Peanut Butter Cups top the list of America’s favorite Halloween candies.  What’s a word for the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth?  Arachibutyrophobia! Fifty percent of kids prefer to receive chocolate candy for Halloween, compared with 24% who prefer non-chocolate candy and 10% who want gum.  But no matter what kind of candy you like for Halloween, “bone appetite!"