Space Casey

Space Casey Episode 01



The teasing is over, Space Casey is finally here! Without further ado, let’s get to it! Send feedback emails to: christiana (@), or leave a voicemail at 206-309-0913. Bask in the awesomeness of Casey’s Cadets! To be considered for induction, email caseyscadets (@) Forum Thread Promos: Scott Sigler’s Nocturnal Grant Baccioco’s Throwing Toasters Cast for Episode 1: Christiana Ellis as Casey Scott Sigler as The Space Dock Worker Grant Baccioco as James Johnson / Feeblo Laurence Simon as Karstoo Wesley Clifford as The Ship Computer Special Thanks to Sam Chupp and Jack Hosley for their help with the sound effects. Music for Space Casey Episode 1 includes: “Headin’ Out” and “Surf Blaster” by The Vara-Tones “Mystic Chants” by Anne Young “Quest for Immortality” purchased from Space Casey was written and produced by Christiana Ellis and this recording is released under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial, Share and Share Alike 3.0 license.