Positively Creative

025 - Jessica & Clifford Huizenga of The Confetti Bar on Styling Photos & Scheduling Instagram with Planoly, SEO and Ranking High in Google, & Working with Your Spouse



Dorothy chats with Jessica & Clifford Huizenga of The Confetti Bar on how Jessica got the ball rolling so quickly, transitioning to The Confetti Bar as her full time career within 6 months.  Clifford is a digital wiz and has created a wonderful site with great SEO.  Clifford is a "personal believer in that a lot of the web field should be demystified and there's a lot of things people don't realize what they could do if they spent a little time learning how things work."   For more Confetti Bar: https://www.theconfettibar.com/ https://www.instagram.com/theconfettibar/ On Today's Show: (9:00) Jessica's creative past and present  http://jessicaserrahuizenga.com/ (11:00) Cliff's role on the backend of the site and heavy customization with gravity forms through Wordpress (15:00) Custom confetti vs ready-made and seasonal mixes of confetti (18:00) The Confetti Bar's Instagram and streamlining with Planoly (23:00) Ranking high in Google (29:00) Creating styled photos for Instagram with confetti & writing no