Positively Creative

041 - Shanna Skidmore on Building a "Non Business" Business Strategy, Creating Sales Goals, & Going on Money Dates



Today we are talking numbers with Shanna Skidmore. We chat about how to use numbers to understand and grow our businesses. Shanna also breaks down having a life and business you love and why she took a break from social media. This is a great conversation about life, business and money!   About Shanna:Hey! I’m Shanna, a business strategist & financial coach.I believe you can make money doing what you love. You just need some tools to get you there. If you've ever dreamed of starting your own business, or you're in the weeds of growing that business of your dreams now, then we're gonna get along just fine!

After working alongside thousands of creative entrepreneurs on their business strategy and financial goals, I took the most confusing, frustrating, frequently asked (and frequently wine-and-tears accompanied) business concepts—financial planning, productivity, strategy, scale, mindset—and simplified them.  My husband says my creative genius is simplifying complicated things. I like that.
After ten yea