Positively Creative

049 - Katrina Berg, Oil Painter, on Celebrating Your Unique Journey, Including Kids in Artmaking, & Color Choices



The Positively Creative Summit is here!  Buy tickets here!  Only $18 Saturday, September 8th 8:30 - 11:30 Join us for a morning business conference for creative entrepreneurs! Hear from local industry leaders, sharing their stories of community over competition and learn collaboratively through medium specific break out sessions.  Katrina Berg is on the show chatting all about creating joy with her amazing paintings, finding "balance" as a mom and artist, and how she incorporated her children in her process. We also have an awesome conversation about color palettes and how we make color choices.   About Katrina:Katrina grew up in Southern California. After receiving her Bachelor’s from Brigham Young University, she followed a childhood dream and entered the Architecture Program at University Nevada Las Vegas. Summers spent abroad in France and Italy, fueled a love affair for art, design & she became obsessed with painting in oil. Katrina’s candy-colored oil paintings are recorded memories of favorite plac