Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 90 - S5E1 - Event Horizon



Technology helps us every day. I am using it right now to communicate with you. When will it go too far? Are we losing our connection with reality? Will we soon reach an event horizon? How much further can we push before we reach the point of no return? Telling the truth is hard. Kara lied about her identity to her best friend. She kept making excuses for putting off telling Lena the truth. She had good reasons to justify it to herself. The consequence of waiting is that someone else may reveal the truth for you. Kara delayed so long that Lena heard the truth from Lex. Leave it to the Villian to reveal secrets and stir up trouble. A distress call from the Museum interrupted Kara and Lena’s lunch. The truth will have to wait again. There is an unknown entity in National City. She is a shapeshifter masquerading as a harmless child. Why is she zooming away in the pod that brought Superman to earth? After the battle in the Museum J’onn is left with a muddled mind. As for Supergirl she suffered the claws of a preh